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You Are The Bloom

Yesterday I walked 6 miles along the paths here in my town. Everywhere, Spring was in full bloom!
Cherry blossoms lined Iris Avenue, 15,000 tulips were face-to-the-sun on Pearl Street and lilacs crept across many a porch’s waiting wooden framework. As full sun warmed our bleached grass and the foothills offered their ever welcome shade, I felt nourished.
I woke up this morning with a bit too much sun on my Irish skinned face…reassuring me that yesterday’s beauty was not a flight of fancy! Through the night some 4 inches of snow fell. The robust vulnerability of yesterday’s blooms, now cloaked in a weighty and uncertain struggle to survive, reminded me of how often we are each met by challenges as demanding, sudden, dramatic and heart rending. While I can (and did) shake off a few heavy, wet and sometimes bowed limbs, I knew that nature would take her course…some would survive and some would be lost…this is the way of life.
In that most of us, at some point, will have first hand experience of days when ‘the all of it’ is humming along beautifully and then turns towards unthinkably challenging transformations…I hope that you too look at the world as you move through it. I hope that you notice it’s generosity and let it’s beauty touch you. I hope that you will find in it a model of grace, surrender and resilience to call upon on day’s when you are the bloom!

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